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The increased integration of mobile communication devices has enabled the rapid development of private and personal wireless networks, including devices connected to the human body. “Connected objects” is the terms used to identify the hardware that supports of these networks.
Efrei Research Lab conducts research on connected objects and their networks using a top-down approach: from the application to the system. This work concerns both localization within buildings via radio frequency technologies, as well as the electrical modeling and optimization of RFID, HF and UHF systems. This protean ensemble that undergirds the “Internet of things” is the phenomenon which has given rise to the concept of “big data”.
The Internet of Objects (IoT) is now at the heart of academic and industrial research because (1) the profound scientific challenges that includes, (2) the tremendous market it represents and (3) redefining the boundaries of the different actors it involves. The IoT thus requires a new architecture and a business model that takes into account the specific characteristics and requirements of this new type of network: