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Accommodation in Paris

Looking for accommodation from abroad can be daunting and sometimes it can be difficult for international students to secure housing.

Efrei does offer different solutions to international students who will study at the school.

Efrei Housing platform : Campus Villejuif

In partnership with Studapart, Efrei provides its (future) students with an online housing platform (in French). Access hundreds of offers: studios, flat shares, homestays… and benefit from personalized support throughout your rental! From the rental file to the reservation of the accommodation, all the steps are carried out on the platform.

To get started, click on “Tenant Area” (Espace Locataire) and register with your identifications provided by Efrei or with your personal email. Choose your campus (Villejuif) to get a selection of housing options nearby.

Furnished housing, alone or in shared housing, for all budgets and for at least a 1 month minimum ! Studapart develops dedicated offers :

  • Housing offered exclusively to Efrei students
  • Verified listings and secure payment
  • Simplified rental file process & 100% online

Subscribe to home insurance by Studapart and benefit from up to €300 in help per month thanks to the Assistance alloc’ by Studapart Studapart offers more than 120,000 housing options all over France !

Don’t have a guarantor residing in France ?

Studapart guarantees for you for the duration of your rental.

Owner of a residence ?

To rent to students of our institution, place your ad on the platform by clicking on “Management Area” (Espace Propriétaire).
Have a question? Write to us (in French) at logement@efrei.fr or  booking@studapart.com.

It is important to take into consideration that :

  • Housing in Paris is relatively expensive, with rent ranging from 650€ to 900€ per month for a single room.
  • It’s very common to live quite far from where you work or study with an average commute of 40 to 60 minutes.

Financial guarantor

  • In most cases, international students need to have a guarantor living in France or outside of France.
  • Students can secure a guarantor via VISALE or Studely, The Association for Access to Rental Guarantee.
  • In the absence of a financial guarantor, certain residence halls can request payment in advance for several months rent.

Housing insurance and civil liability

  • As a tenant, the student is responsible to the landlord of any damages (fire and water damage…) caused during their stay. Before moving in, the student must take out civil liability and housing insurance to cover any possible damage.

Government Housing allowance (APL or ALS)

  • The Aide Personnalisée au Logement (APL) and the Allocation de Logement Social (ALS) are financial assistance programs granted by the Caisse d’Allocations Familiales (CAF) to allow those who have met the conditions to help pay their rent.  The amount of housing assistance can be calculated on the CAF website.

Securing housing for the first few days in Paris

It is recommended to secure temporary accommodation for the first few days or even weeks of the stay in Paris.

Finding long-term accommodation

Once enrolment is completed, international students can use their Efrei login to access the student housing platforms with which Efrei signed a partnership.

Chinese Agencies :

The website Xineurope enables the Chinese community to exchange information about living in France and to find announcements for apartments to rent or for roommates.

The Chinese agency IMODIA links Chinese students looking for housing and Chinese individuals who have property to rent in Paris or the surrounding suburbs.

An Efrei student will give you priority access (with limitations to availability) to our housing partners :

Private student residences :

  • New Residence Twenty campus X Efrei (boulevard Maxime Gorki – Villejuif) only a 5 minute walk to campus: 145 rooms
  • Residence Twenty campus Paris Héloise (rue Jean Jacques Rousseau – Villejuif) only a 15 minute walk to campus: 120 rooms
  • Residence Twenty campus Croizat (107 rue Ambroise Croizat – Villejuif) only a 20 minute walk to campus: 80 rooms are reserved for Efrei, specifically 30 for low income students (in French: PLS – loyers plafonnés avec plafond de ressources)
  • Residence Aragon (179, boulevard Maxime Gorki- Villejuif) only a 5 minute walk to campus : 80 rooms are reserved for Efrei

Students are invited to make a request and send your application at their earliest convenience to each chosen residence.
Once they make their reservation at the residence, they need to provide a certificate to the residence stating their current enrollment at Efrei.

Crous University Residence : 

  • Cachan University Residence is for both international students and students on scholarship.

The application can be requested from the Efrei housing service: logement@efrei.fr.
The student must provide a completed application and be accepted by the residence. The students accepted at the residence will receive a request to attend a walk-through of the residence and receive the key to their residence by the CROUS the first week of September.

Erasmus Play

Erasmus Play is an international student housing platform that helps you to find your new home. Choose your accommodation between residences, apartments, shared flats or rooms for students. Filter to adapt the results to your needs and compare among a wide offer of student housing.