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Undergraduate Programs

General organisation

Structure of the program:

  • The undergraduate program consists of 3 years of Studies.
  • It is structured in 6 semesters referred to respectively as S1-S2-S3-S4-S5-S6.
  • Each semester is worth 30 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) credits.
  • The undergraduate program is equivalent in total to 180 ECTS credits.

Undergraduate Tracks:

  • French track: undergraduate students study in French in this classical track
  • International track: undergraduate students study English in the international track
  • Bio-Informatics track: for undergraduate students wanting to specialize in Bio-informatics the core program is adapted and students take a series of Biology courses (this program is offered in French only).

The engineer’s scientific and technical courses : 3/4 (75 %) of our undergraduate program is dedicated to scientific and technical training, with core modules in:

The engineer’s general courses : 1/4 (25%) of the program is dedicated to general and professional training in order to prepare students to their future professional environment. All undergraduate students must take core modules in: