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Master Program in IT for Finance

Master program in computational, quantitative finance, investment banking, and financial technology (FinTech). The program goes beyond the mathematical interpretation, modelisation of financial markets, and integrates perspectives of IT infrastructure, software development, and new high end technologies into investment banking.

It is taught full time in English language.

Program description

The Master Program in “IT for Finance” is training technology specialist in finance. We are training programmers in banking, traders in investment banking, researchers in computational and quantitative finance, otherwise known as QUANTS, and specialists in FinTech and cryptocurrencies. Our program focusses on high-end technology and their application on financial markets.


The masters program provides in-depth knowledge of IT infrastructure and the organization of modern financial markets, addressing the IT operations of financial market participants. It includes an introduction to computer systems and hardware of investment banks, investment or hedge funds, brokers, financial exchanges and clearing corporations, custodians and regulators. The program privileges the practical construction and implementation of financial market software, from an engineering point of view:

  • Learning infrastructure used for investment banking, transaction management and FinTech, study software and hardware solutions used for frontoffice, middle office and back office in banking, and knowing advanced numerical and mathematical methods, including the knowledge on financial market risk, econometrics and statistics, as well as the application of such models in advanced testing and simulation environments (Monte Carlo Simulations, stress testing or portfolio optimization problems, but also execution and order management algorithms).
  • Design new relevant software for financial market applications in Front Office, Middle Office, or Back Office, applying algorithms to perform real-time analysis and predictions on data, or piloting new hardware for financial technologies.
  • Create new solutions for technical problems in traditional banking, or in the area of FinTech and Digital Assets (NFT), while developing new standards for financial ethics, and sustainability in handling new financial technologies.

Learning Skills

While other programs focus on skills in computational finance, developing mathematical, numerical models for trading solutions only, EFREI privileges the practical construction and implementation of financial market software, from an engineering point of view. We are applying modern programming languages and financial protocols in the development of financial market software, while understanding the context of applications and the limits and opportunities in IT infrastructure. The students are trained in secure and autonomous development of applications, as project managers, and/or developers:

  • Understanding the functions and mechanisms of financial markets, the terminologies used and their technical infrastructure, including new markets for cryptocurrencies, and digital assets, financial market applications (software- and hardware) used in back office, middle office and front office.
  • Analyze problems and technical limits in IT infrastructure, projecting solutions, evaluating with quantitative and
    empirical data in financial markets, from historical empirical data to real-time monitoring, including the application of forecasting algorithms, as well as detecting ethical and legal problems in financial transactions, and financial market operations.
  • Develop high-end solutions to problems in investment banking, using programming languages, especially C++, Python, C# and other scientific programming languages.

Targeted skills

  • Analysis of historical market data, risk profiles, trading statistics, and financial base data.
  • Development of algorithmic applications to historical, realtime analysis, and forecasting.
  • Analysis of IT operations in investment banking operations, and find new technical solutions especially in trading
  • Construction and maintenance of IT infrastructure for backoffice, middle office and front office operations
  • Development of concepts, sustainable innovations, and ethical guidelines for FinTechs

Our added value

Proximity to companies

Partnerships with investment banks, exchanges and companies sharing our vision of continuous excellence.

A well-constructed program

High caliber teaching in computational finance/IT, banking and software development

A dedicated team

Head of Major: Johannes Gomolka, Doctor in Quantitative Finance


Plus de détails

Introduction to Financial Markets
Valuation Methods and Methodologies in Finance
Empirical Financial Analysis
Risk Management in modern Finance
Introduction to Econophysics: Financial Modelling with Natural Science

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Technical internship, from beginning November to March

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Investment Banking Operations: Backoffice, Middle, Frontoffice
Scientific Programming Languages, and Linux in Finance
Introduction C++ in Finance

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Methodology and technical monitoring
Business Plan
Team coaching  
Innovation Day: competition with a jury of professionals

Plus de détails

Introduction to Financial Markets
Valuation Methods and Methodologies in Finance
Empirical Financial Analysis
Risk Management in modern Finance
Introduction to Econophysics: Financial Modelling with Natural Science

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Investment Banking Operations: Backoffice, Middle, Frontoffice
Scientific Programming Languages, and Linux in Finance
Introduction C++ in Finance

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Methodology and technical monitoring
Business Plan
Team coaching  
Innovation Day: competition with a jury of professionals

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Technical internship, from beginning November to March

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Infrastructure, Exchanges, Institutions
Pricing of Derivatives, Commodities and Energy Trading
Applied Econophysics: Financial Markets Analysis using Physics
Portfolio Management in modern finance
Digital Finance, Cryptocurrencies, NFT’s
Applications of C++ in Finance

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Projects in partnership with companies

Research projects with Efrei’s research lab

Start-up projects

Engineering Day: presentation of projects to a jury of professionals

Plus de détails

Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning and Applications
Blockchain: Challenges and Opportunities
Big Data for Companies
Creativity and Entrepreneurship
Design et conception
Internet of Things
Health Innovation
Security Management
Web et 3D
Digital Finance

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Engineering internship from beginning April to end September

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Culture and communication
Adapt in a Globalized World Seminar
Management and Development Seminar
English or FFL (French as a Foreign Language)
Second Language (optional)
Academic Conferences and round tables

Company Resource Planning

Plus de détails

Infrastructure, Exchanges, Institutions
Pricing of Derivatives, Commodities and Energy Trading
Applied Econophysics: Financial Markets Analysis using Physics
Portfolio Management in modern finance
Digital Finance, Cryptocurrencies, NFT’s
Applications of C++ in Finance

Plus de détails

Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning and Applications
Blockchain: Challenges and Opportunities
Big Data for Companies
Creativity and Entrepreneurship
Design et conception
Internet of Things
Health Innovation
Security Management
Web et 3D
Digital Finance

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Culture and communication
Adapt in a Globalized World Seminar
Management and Development Seminar
English or FFL (French as a Foreign Language)
Second Language (optional)
Academic Conferences and round tables

Company Resource Planning

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Projects in partnership with companies

Research projects with Efrei’s research lab

Start-up projects

Engineering Day: presentation of projects to a jury of professionals

Plus de détails

Engineering internship from beginning April to end September

Career options

  • Quantitative Analyst;
  • Algorithmic Trader;
  • Risk Manager / Asset Management Compliance;
  • Software Specialist;
  • Crypto Entrepreneur.