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Master program in computational, quantitative finance, investment banking, and financial technology (FinTech). The program goes beyond the mathematical interpretation, modelisation of financial markets, and integrates perspectives of IT infrastructure, software development, and new high end technologies into investment banking.
It is taught full time in English language.
The Master Program in “IT for Finance” is training technology specialist in finance. We are training programmers in banking, traders in investment banking, researchers in computational and quantitative finance, otherwise known as QUANTS, and specialists in FinTech and cryptocurrencies. Our program focusses on high-end technology and their application on financial markets.
The masters program provides in-depth knowledge of IT infrastructure and the organization of modern financial markets, addressing the IT operations of financial market participants. It includes an introduction to computer systems and hardware of investment banks, investment or hedge funds, brokers, financial exchanges and clearing corporations, custodians and regulators. The program privileges the practical construction and implementation of financial market software, from an engineering point of view:
While other programs focus on skills in computational finance, developing mathematical, numerical models for trading solutions only, EFREI privileges the practical construction and implementation of financial market software, from an engineering point of view. We are applying modern programming languages and financial protocols in the development of financial market software, while understanding the context of applications and the limits and opportunities in IT infrastructure. The students are trained in secure and autonomous development of applications, as project managers, and/or developers:
Partnerships with investment banks, exchanges and companies sharing our vision of continuous excellence.
High caliber teaching in computational finance/IT, banking and software development
Head of Major: Johannes Gomolka, Doctor in Quantitative Finance