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Nicolas Sicard obtained an Master Degree in Applied Computing (MIAIF) and a DEA Master Degree in Parallel Architectures, followed by a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University Paris-Sud Orsay in 2004. He joined Efrei as a Research Professor in February 2006, and has successively worked as the Academic Advisor for 3rd year Bachelor’s students, head of the Software Engineering Master’s, Academic Coordinator for the Master’s programs, Director of the Master’s Programs, and finally Director of Studies.
His research focused first on asynchronous parallel architectures for image analysis (Orsay Associative Mesh), and then on parallel data mining algorithms in collaboration with LIG (Grenoble) and LRIMM (Montpellier). He also participated in the design and development of the multitouch 3D visualization platform EMNA3D at Efrei. He has authored or co-authored a book chapter, articles in national and international journals, and conference papers.
Nicolas Sicard is the co-author of the book « Excercises and Problems of Digital Algorithms » published by Dunod in 2011.