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PEX International Mobility

Three study abroad programs are offered to our PEX (Expert Programs) students, depending on their course.

PEX Bachelor Mobility Program

This study abroad program is mandatory for the students enrolled in the following courses and optional for the other Bachelor courses:

  • Bachelor Ingénierie et Numérique (Engineering and Digital Studies)
  • Bachelor Ingénierie Marketing et Data (Data and Marketing Engineering Studies)
  • Bachelor Ingénierie et cybersécurité (Engineering and Cybersecurity Studies)

In their second-year of studies, our Bachelor students participate in a 6-week mobility program organized through May and June in four partner universities:

  • University of Portsmouth, UK
  • TalTECH, Estonia
  • APU, Malaisia
  • ILAC, Toronto

The 6-week program follows a project-based approach to deal with the following themes: Digital Ecosystem, Introduction to AI, Monitoring Business Intelligence and Project Management. This program allows students to develop their language and intercultural skills while acquiring valuable knowledge in project management and teamwork in their fields of study.

PEX Msc Cybersecurity Mobility Program

This study abroad program is mandatory for the students enrolled in the following courses:

  • MSc Cybersécurité & IA (Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence)
  • MSc Cybersécurité & Management (Cybersecurity and Management)

In the spring of their second year of their Msc studies, students attend a one-week mobility program in two European partner universitites:

  • Vilnius TECH, Lithuania
  • University of Portsmouth, UK

Students participate in workshops in the field of cybersecurity (ethical hacking, cyberattacks, Forensic Information Technology, etc…) that allow them to develop their problem-solving skills in an intercultural environment.

PEX Digital Ecosystem Mobility Program

This study abroad program is optional for all 5th year students enrolled in one of the following courses:

  • M2 Communication & Stratégie Digitale (Master’s in Communication and Digital Stragegy)
  • M2 E-business, stratégie & transformation digitale (Master’s in E-commerce, strategy and digital transformation)
  • M2 Management, Data & IA (Master’s in Management, data and AI)
  • M2 Marketing digital & management (CNAM) (Master’s in Digital Marketing & Management)
  • M2 UX Design (Master’s in UX Design)
  • M2 Cybersécurité & Cloud (Master’s in Cybersecurity & Cloud)
  • M2 Data Engineering & IA (Master’s in Data Engineering & AI)
  • M2 Dev Manager Full Stack (Master’s in Development Management Full Stack)
  • M2 International communication & Technology (Master’s in International communication & Technology)
  • M2 Business innovation & nouvelles technologies (Master’s in Business innovation & New Technologies)

A one-week mobility program is organized that allows students to discover the local digital ecosystem in the new innovative hub of Malaga, lead by our partner university ESSCA Malaga.

Throughout the week, students will participate in real-life projects through various exercises, field trips and company visits. The aim of this program being to open students’ awareness of European innovation and digital transformations while developing their leadership and international skills.