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Taught entirely in English, the “Information Systems Strategy and Governancen” Master Program aims to train information systems engineers and leaders in transforming companies towards a new IT aligned with business needs in all industries.
The Digital Transformation Master program trains engineers to support companies in their digital transformation. They design and orchestrate an information systems strategy to boost performance.
These days, and increasingly so, Cloud service providers offers infrastructures that run corporate software. Therefore, a part of their information systems is relocated to the Cloud. Understanding, creating and managing these architectures are key skills for future engineers.
By the end of this program, the new Digital Transformation Engineer will have the following skills:
Proximity to companies
Openness to the business world through partnerships and stakeholders from large groups, digital service companies, and providers of infrastructure and Cloud services
Project-based pedagogy
In their 4th and 5th years, students carry out two cross-disciplinary projects that require many skills: technicques, project management, team management, setting up a business plan, and communication skills to defend their project…
A well-constructed program
Training in new architectures based on Cloud Computing (micro-services architectures)
A dedicated team
Head of the Information Technology track and the Master Program: Jean-Charles Huet PhD in Computer Science