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Master Program in Imaging and Virtual Reality

The Master Program in “Imaging and Virtual Reality” trains IT engineers capable of working on complex systems based on digital imaging, whether to perform additional processing on existing images, to create virtual scenes, and/or to combine the real and the virtual to generate an augmented reality.

Program offered in French


Program description

The use of virtual worlds is a booming field, with digital simulation and virtual reality becoming increasingly popular. The sectors of activity are varied: simulation for industry and architecture, Big Data visualization, medical imaging and real or virtual surgery assistance, video games and simulators of all kinds, product customization for Industry 4.0.

Students learn the techniques and gain experience working with the tools used by digital simulation and animation professionals.

Likewise, they will gain an understanding of and be able to implement immersive digital environments.


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Advanced Web Development

Advanced Databases

System Integration: Fundamentals

System Integration: Applications

Introduction to Virtual Reality

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Technical internship, from beginning November to end March

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3D Graphics

Artificial Intelligence for Images

Virtual reality and human-machine interactions

Introduction to Image Processing

Advanced Image Processing

Mathematics for Geometry

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Technical, methodological and business support

Support for teams by certified coaches

Innovation Day: competition for the best project of the year with a panel of professionals 

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Advanced Web Development

Advanced Databases

System Integration: Fundamentals

System Integration: Applications

Introduction to Virtual Reality

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3D Graphics

Artificial Intelligence for Images

Virtual reality and human-machine interactions

Introduction to Image Processing

Advanced Image Processing

Mathematics for Geometry

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Technical, methodological and business support

Support for teams by certified coaches

Innovation Day: competition for the best project of the year with a panel of professionals 

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Technical internship, from beginning November to end March

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Augmented reality and 3D registration

Artificial vision and scene analysis

Data visualization and collaboration 

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Engineering internship from beginning April to end September

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Culture and communication
Adapt in a Globalized World Seminar
Management and Development Seminar
English or FFL (French as a Foreign Language)
Second language (optional)
Academic Conferences and round tables

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Applications of virtual reality and augmented reality
Big Data for Images

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Projects in partnership with companies

Research projects in Efrei’s research lab

Business creation projects

Engineering Day: Project presentation in front of a jury of professionals

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Augmented reality and 3D registration

Artificial vision and scene analysis

Data visualization and collaboration 

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Culture and communication
Adapt in a Globalized World Seminar
Management and Development Seminar
English or FFL (French as a Foreign Language)
Second language (optional)
Academic Conferences and round tables

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Projects in partnership with companies

Research projects in Efrei’s research lab

Business creation projects

Engineering Day: Project presentation in front of a jury of professionals

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Engineering internship from beginning April to end September

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Applications of virtual reality and augmented reality
Big Data for Images

Learning objectives

By the end of this program, the IVR Engineer will know how to: 

  • Master the mathematics of Digial Imaging and 3D;  
  • Master image and video processing and analysis methods;  
  • Be operational with professional 3D tools and technologies;  
  • Know how to design and evaluate human/machine interaction;  
  • Design and develop Extended Reality applications;
  • Be familiar with deep learning methods for vision.

Career options

The Master Program in “Imaging and Virtual Reality” prepares students for various technical-vocational fields and career opportunities such as:

  • 3D engineer for digial simulation; 
  • Virtual and augmented reality engineer;
  • Digital Imaging and AI engineer
  • Video Games engineer.