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Head of Language Department: Dr. Christiane Michel |
Coordinator of Programs: Prof. Katherine Moran |
The English foreign language program aims to improve the oral communication and writing skills of our engineering students and to promote a greater degree of autonomy and sophistication across the multiple modes of expression.
Students who have already attained advanced level competence in English have the opportunity to select thematic seminars where English language is no longer the object of the study but the vehicle through which to explore the proposed course topic.
For students who have not yet reached a sufficient level of competence in English, a general English course is offered to help reinforce spoken and written skills and prepare for the TOEIC exam.
The study of a second foreign language is optional for Efrei students but strongly encouraged across the curriculum.
Learning a second language enhances students’ cultural awareness, allowing them to develop a broader worldview and opening up study and work opportunities for them in non-English speaking countries. The languages taught are Spanish, German, Chinese and Japanese.
Classes are taught in the « target » language via a communicative approach that best replicates the processes of acquiring one’s native language.
French as a Foreign Language (FLE) is offered to Efrei’ international students.
The content of our French language program is specifically tailored to the needs of Efrei international students. The program’s emphasis is placed on the development of cultural, academic and professional competences to better facilitate academic and professional integration.