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International double degrees

Efrei’s engineering students can apply for one of 40 international double-degree master’s programs in 13 partner universities. 

Obtaining a Master of Science (MSc), Master of Engineering (MEng) or Master’s degree enables you to acquire expertise in a cutting-edge IT field (e.g. artificial intelligence, data science, cybersecurity, video games, etc.) or dual management skills.

An international degree also gives students greater visibility on the international job market, and easier access to international positions.

Efrei has agreements with 13 partner universities which gives students access to 41 Master’s degree programs abroad.
Efrei students applying for these programs are selected jointly by Efrei and the host university, based on academic criteria. The key to a career open to the world !


England Staffordshire University / Stoke-on-Trent 
England Coventry University / Coventry 
Australia Curtin University / Perth 
Canada (Quebec) University of Quebec, Chicoutimi / Saguenay 
Canada (Quebec) University of Quebec, Rimouski 
Canada (Quebec) Concordia University / Montréal 
Canada (Quebec) Sherbrooke University / Sherbrooke 
Scotland Heriot-Watt Unviersity / Edinburgh 
United States University of Nevada, Las Vegas 
Ireland University of Limerick / Limerick 
Ireland University College Cork / Cork 
Ireland Dublin City University / Dublin 
Switzerland Bern University of Applied Sciences / Bern 



Academically, it allowed me to see a different approach to teaching and also to take different courses from those offered at Efrei. On a personal level, I met lots of new people and discovered a new culture. I think it was very positive on both counts, and I don’t regret my mobility at all. In the future, I’m also planning to find a job abroad and continue to discover new countries.

Paul, student class of 2023 – Data & Artificial Intelligence Major