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Semester Abroad 3rd year undergraduate program

International academic and professional experience has become essential for the vast majority of companies. Efrei’s engineering curriculum includes two periods of international mobility, one of which is a mandatory semester abroad for all undergraduate students in their third year. 

The semester abroad in the third year is organized by our partner universities for groups of Efrei students. The program is organized in Canada, United States, England, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, China, India, Malaysia and South Africa. 


This program allows students to follow several scientific and technical modules of the third-year program in a university setting different from that of Efrei. 

This semester is a rich and unique experience during which the student-engineers develop their English skills and learn to evolve in a new academic system and cultural environment. 

A semester of study abroad is integrated into the third-year program : 

  • Students who have completed their 2nd year of the integrated foundation program at Efrei take part in this stay from the end of August to mid-December. 
  • New students who arrived in third-year at Efrei go abroad from the end of January to the end of May. 

Montreal, Canada Concordia University

With two campuses located in the heart of the cosmopolitan city of Montreal, Concordia University is home to nearly 50,000 students in over 700 programs. 

This prestigious Canadian university, founded in 1974 by merging Loyola College and Sir George Williams University, is one of the two English-language universities in the city of Montreal. It has been welcoming Efrei students since fall 2016. 


The way Montreal works is really fascinating. When I got back to France, I realized that the experience had left its mark on me. Being confronted with a new culture allows you to better understand where you live, to question yourself, but also to develop qualities. My ability to adapt, for example, which I had before leaving, has increased tenfold; I seem to be able to adapt to any circumstances now. Montreal’s history and identity are captivating. I’ll be back, I’m sure.

Mathis HOGREL, class of 2025, Apprenticeship – Network and Security

Capetown, South Africa Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT)

Created in 2005 from the merge of several technological institutions, Cape Peninsula University of Technology has 6 campuses and more than 35,000 students. Efrei students study at the Faculty of Computer Science and Design, located on the Cape Town campus in the city center, which groups together some fifteen departments and offers a wide range of programs, notably in communication networks, software development and information technology management…


Living in a completely different country is no easy task. The experience has been one of learning day in, day out. The city and its people have a rich history and a culture completely new to us Europeans. As a student, I was able to discover as many surprising landscapes as totally different people. A stay in South Africa is an experience that can change your outlook and your life, it’s a trip that opens your mind and allows you to become more independent. It’s a must for anyone wishing to explore Africa and its culture.

Soanja, student, class of 2025 – Data and Artificial Intelligence major 

Stoke on Trent, Great Britain Staffordshire University

Staffordshire University is a research university located in the north of England. Its campus, located in the center of Stoke-on-Trent, has a total of just over 15,000 students and offers a state-of-the-art technological environment. Staffordshire University’s computer science programs offer a number of specialized courses,such as 3D modeling, virtual imaging, video games… 


I’m very happy to have been able to travel to England over the last few months and to have had access to English-style teaching. I came away even more convinced of my interest in this country and its culture. It also confirmed my language skills. 

Maya, student, class of 2025 – Software Engineering major 


Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Asia Pacific University (APU)

Asia Pacific University is a private Malaysian higher education institution accredited by the MQA (Malaysian Qualification Agency) and holder of its quality label.

Located in the heart of Kuala Lumpur, the vibrant capital of Malaysia, this private university welcomes 12,000 students from 130 countries and offers state-of-the-art education in the field of new technologies. 


l’ll remember this trip for the rest of my life. The courses and teachers are pleasant and interesting, and this experience will be useful for my future studies.
I loved the countless activities and places, each more magnificent than the last. However, what I’ll remember most of all are all the paradoxes and contrasts that make Malaysia such a beautiful country. I’ll remember all its colors and cultures. I’ll remember the goodwill, kindness and respect of the Malaysians. I grew up during this trip. 

Harold, student, class of 2025 – Imaging and Virtual Reality major 

Krakow, Poland AGH University of Science and Technology (AGH UST)

The prestigious research university AGH University of Science and Technology, ranked among the top Polish universities and among the best European universities, welcomes every year nearly 25,000 students on its campus in the center of Krakow, one of the most beautiful and dynamic cities in Poland. The university offers more than 62 programs in science and technology and 200 specializations. 


Every traveler should take inspiration from the Polish people, whose multicultural roots have given them an admirable capacity for adaptation and understanding. Poland is a country with a difficult, even traumatic past, but one that has given rise to a unique culture. This country, with its unmistakable charm is made up of its traditions, its people united but sometimes divided in the face of difficulty and plurality of the issues they have to deal with. For my part, I’m coming back delighted and enriched by this experience, which will undoubtedly remain engraved in my memory.  

Paul, student, class of 2025 – Data and Artificial Intelligence major 

University of California, Irvine (UCI) Irvine, California USA

The University of California, Irvine (UCI) is part of California’s prestigious network of public universities. Recognized for its research excellence, this major institution has been in the national top 10 of the best public universities for 8 years. Its dynamic campus in Irvine, 1 hour from Los Angeles and the Pacific coast, welcomes 37,000 students every year, offering a unique learning environment in one of the most beautiful regions of the United States. 


This expatriate semester has been a unique experience for me, enriching both culturally and personally. I was able to immerse myself in an environment completely different from the one I come from, which forced me to get out of my comfort zone and always find ways to get out and make the most of my stay with my fellow students.

Luis, student, class of 2025 – Bio-Informatics major 

Toronto, Canada International Language Academy of Canada (ILAC)

Toronto’s ILAC (International Language Academy of Canada) is located in downtown Toronto. 13,000 students, 4,500 international students. The campus is modern and offers state-of-the-art technology and a friendly environment for students. 

ILAC is a private training center offering programs in many fields, including languages, business, sales, marketing and IT, in partnership with local universities. 


The 3-month study trip to Toronto was an incredibly rich experience for me in terms of discovering the culture, landscapes, encounters and hospitality of the locals. I was able to discover the many aspects of life in Toronto, from historic monuments and museums to lively neighborhoods and lush green parks. I also had the chance to meet people from different cultural backgrounds and discover their way of life.
The people of Toronto proved to be extremely welcoming and warm, always ready to help and give advice. I was also impressed by the city’s cultural diversity, which helped create a unique and dynamic atmosphere. 

Sacha, student, class of 2025 – Robotic Systems and Drones major 

Budapest, Hongary ESSCA School of Management

Budapest is a city where history, culture and economic vitality combine to create a unique and enriching student experience. 

The ESSCA campus, ideally located in the heart of a lively district of the capital, has welcomed Efrei students since 2020 as part of the international semester. This institution, whose reputation for academic excellence transcends borders, offers our students a unique experience in the heart of a European capital. 


Hungary is a magical country, a place full of history. Budapest will always be close to my heart, and it was very difficult to say goodbye. […] I’m now looking to the future, and already plan to return to this country one day, to discover its underestimated depths. 

Théo, student, class of 2024 – Cybersecurity : Infrastructure & Software major 

Ostrava, Czech Republic Technical University of Ostrava (VSB - TUO)

The Czech Republic has demonstrated its expertise in a number of tech fields, including cybersecurity and e-commerce. 

In the heart of Central Europe, about 1 hour from the capital Prague, Ostrava is the country’s third largest city. It’s a dynamic university town, welcoming students from all over the world. VSB – Technical University of Ostrava, with one of the largest campuses in the country, is a renowned institution and one of the oldest engineering schools in the Czech Republic. 


The Czech Republic was a pleasant surprise. It deserves to be visited by more people, because it’s a great country to live in, with beautiful landscapes. This experience totally changed me, I had a vision too centered on Paris and I didn’t realize that traveling helps a lot to grow and broaden my vision of the world. 

Soulaïmane BOUGUEBRI, student, class 2025 – Apprenticeship – Networks and Security