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Head of Department :

Prof. Agnès Behar


Program Description 

In a constantly evolving world that is full of dynamic challenges such as the globalization of financial markets and the ever-increasing pace of technological advances, companies are looking for young graduates who are able to understand today’s issues, not only through a technical lens, but also on an economic and human level. Therefore, it is essential that Efrei students align their technical expertise with their professional skills.  

The management electives allow students to become quickly operational in their professional field and readies them for a career path aimed at gaining positions of responsibility. 

Learning Objectives  

By the end of this undergraduate program, the student will be able: 

  • to lead projects in various professional contexts  
  • to display an ability to manage difficulties and prioritize  
  • to synthesize and analyze various types of information  
  • to develop a clearly defined outline for their career advancement  
  • to be proactive and forward thinking  
  • to display an ability to be a driving force for creativity and innovation